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Move over Pottery Barn and Restoration Hardware, your kids room’s can’t compete with these!
One of my client’s introduced me to two awesome children’s room retailers, and I’ve fallen in love with them. Rosenberry Rooms and The Land of Nod would make Mary Poppins smile from ear to ear. They have so many imaginative and creative pieces of furniture, accessories and decor that could make any child’s room into a magical playground of a room.

Here are some of my favorites from The Land of Nod

And these are AMAZING!
All I wanted growing up was my very own playhouse, dollhouse or treehouse. For a while that’s all I asked my parents for for Christmas. They said it wouldn’t look good in our back yard. They were right, because what I had imagined was basically a ‘storage shed turned dollhouse’.

But if they only had what I’m about to show you back then, I could have had a beautiful playhouse to enjoy (it’s such a hard life…I was so deprived as a child).


AND this treehouse!

All of these playhouses are available to purchase as a kit of parts that you put together yourself from Rosenberry Rooms!! There are some that are pretty reasonably priced, but as you can imagine, some may require you to take out a second loan for the mortgage.
This one’s for you Mom & Dad, I’m still waiting for my dream dollhouse…Christmas is coming soon!