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It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. The shops are decorated, the streets are bustling and your list of ‘things to do’ has doubled! While all of these things can be a reminder that Christmas is coming, they can also make you feel like you have to balance it all.

Shop for the perfect gift for you family.
Keep your children happy.
Decorate your house.
Travel to visit friends and family.
Send out your family’s Christmas card.
Keep on top of your job.
Prepare for family, friends and other guests.
Move into a new office (yes, I’m in the midst of moving)!
Etc., Etc., Etc.

I don’t know about you, but I find myself feeling somewhat overwhelmed at times during the holiday season this little girl and Santa below (hence the fact that I haven’t blogged since before Thanksgiving).

But in reality, I have to remind myself that Christmas is not about me! It’s not about gifts. It’s not about the prettiest decorations, wrapped packages or Christmas outfits. It’s not about the biggest and brightest Christmas tree or who receives the most gifts. Christmas is about giving. And when you can’t give enough, relying on the One who gave us everything. To me, Christmas should be about this, but I somehow twist, manipulate and pressure myself to make it more about me and less about who and what it should be.

If you’re like me, relax, breathe and remind yourself what Christmas is truly about!