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Margaret Elliott has been a friend of mine over the last several years. She is one of the most talented artists in Nashville, and I think that her work is incredible because of its unique exploration of beauty and color. One of the first shows that I saw of hers was when I lived in Manhattan. She showcased her paintings on one of the upper floors in a quaint gallery in Chelsea. This is when I fell in love with Margaret’s work.

Margaret describes her work as an intimate struggle between freedom of self and self-control. My work is not meant to be realistic but suggestive of what I feel with my eyes as I allow them to follow the lines, creases and wrinkles of surfaces.
I recently sat down with Margaret in her studio to ask her some questions about her work and her life.

NH: Where do you find your inspiration from?
ME: Mostly daily living, but also magazines-fabric-photographs-stationary-labels-wrappers-etc.

One of my favorite things to do is look through an artist’s sketchbook. I get a glimpse into their creative thought and how their ideas are formed.

Margaret’s most recent series of paintings consist of personifications of various birds. Her fascination with birds started when she watched a bird build a nest and mother baby birds outside her studio window.

Margaret likes to pull colors and form from magazines. Above, she tries to match the warm yellows of the painted wall from this magazine clipping.
Margaret prefers to layer paint on the canvas using a pallet knife. She’s showing me how it’s done!

NH: Who are some of your favorite artists?
ME: Matisse, Sargent, Alice Neel, Serusier . . . favorite art eras “post-impressionism” movement and the “expressionist” movement.

Margaret brings inanimate objects to life. Like these chairs above, each piece of furniture has its own character.

NH: What are some of your favorite hobbies/past times besides painting?
ME: Cooking, boating and outdoor activities.

Margaret’s work is SMART!
This is one of my favorite works by Margaret. At first glance, it appears to be just an abstract painting with beautiful juxtaposition of colors. At a deeper study, you realize that the names corresponds to what you’re actually seeing–Aerial View – Dairy Cow and Red Barn.

NH: What is your favorite restaurant in Nashville?
ME: A tie for Café Nona & Café Margo, followed closely by Peter’s Sushi.

NH: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why would you live there?
ME: Italy, because of the way of life and the passion for the human spirit that is evident everywhere, & the fresh food!

NH: What is your favorite store in Nashville?
ME: Could not possibly say…love to shop in local boutiques and antique shops drawing inspiration for color or form from anything from pillows & furniture, to invitations, to hair clips.

NH: What is your favorite color?

NH: What is your favorite movie?
ME: Legends of the Fall, Braveheart.

NH: What are your two favorite magazines?
ME: Cottage Living, Real Simple, Lucky.

NH: What is your favorite book?
ME: The Notebook (great movie too)!

Margaret’s work encompasses everything from still lifes to portraits. She explores series of subject matters such as music to birds. She has work all over the US, but you would never know that this talented artist lives in Nashville. Her quiet and humble character allow her painting to take center stage. She is one of my favorite artists. I hope that you enjoy her work as much as I do!
You can learn more about Margaret’s work on her website: